Once Black, Now White(Jack Frost x Reader x Pitch Black) BE mirac.U.lous Completed Fanfiction Romance 8 days ago 'How could you, (f/n)? HOW DARE YOU BETRAY YOUR FATHER? A Pitch Black one-shot story, and a fanfic on Deviantart. Pitch has grown obsessed with a young girl to the point of him going insane. He has done everything to try to get.
- Jack Frost And Pitch Black Lemon Fanfiction
- Pitch Black And Jack Frost Family Fanfiction
- Pitch Black X Jack Frost Fanfiction
- Jack Frost X Pitch Lemon
- Pitch Black Tortures Jack Frost Fanfiction
- Jack Frost And Pitch Black Fanfiction
Jack Frost
Prologue: Pitch
Once upon a time there lived a boy named Jack Frost. But he was not like other boys, having the power to control the entire season of winter itself. Now ordinarily that wouldn't be so bad but he was invisible. As long as no one believed in him he could not be seen. Now Jack wasn't the only person with special powers; there was Santa (or North as he preferred), Sandman, Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. But he was the only one that was invisible. He had tried going to the others for help but had been rebuffed at every turn. Yetis had kicked him out of the North Pole, giant eggs from the Warren, some cute baby tooth fairies had pecked at him and Sandman had simply been too busy. And so Jack wandered the Earth for three hundred lonely years, hoping that there was someone out there who would eventually take notice of him. Attempts to grab their attention had all backfired, resulting in blizzards, the Titanic and the infamous Blizzard of '68 which had been a complete accident. He had been noticed but only long enough for them to yell at him, resulting in even more storms until he had finally retreated, tears rolling down his icy face as he flew away towards the frozen lake.
Once there he curled up in a fetal position on the middle of the ice and began to cry. Not just the hurt tears of earlier but every emotion that he had kept bottled up inside him since that first night he awoke. He was unaware of how long he remained like that but when he finally stopped the snow was already seven feet thick despite the weather forecast that had called for clear skies and a sunny Easter Sunday on April 5, 1968. Oh boy. The Guardians were so not going to be happy about this.
'And who cares what they think?' a voice spoke suddenly, startling the poor boy.
'Who's there?' Jack demanded, grabbing his staff and holding it threateningly in front of him.
The voice laughed and then black tendrils of sand began flying through the air. 'You may call me Pitch Black. And you are Jack Frost.'
Jack's eyes widened momentarily. He had heard of Pitch Black before; more commonly known as 'The Boogeyman' or, as Jack liked to call him secretly, 'Sandman's Evil Twin'. 'What do you want with me?' Jack was extremely proud of the fact that neither his hand nor his voice trembled.
'Merely to be your friend,' Pitch replied as the sand took on a more human like form, his yellow eyes glowing.
Jack snorted. 'Yeah right. Did the Easter Bunny make a temporary truce to put you up to this?'

Jack Frost And Pitch Black Lemon Fanfiction
For a moment Pitch looked startled then shook his head. 'Not even the Guardians would stoop that low. Yet,' he added as an afterthought.
'Whatever,' Jack shook his head and turned to walk away. 'Just leave me alone.'
Pitch Black And Jack Frost Family Fanfiction
'Why? So you can go back to your meaningless existence? So you can be ignored by everyone, including the Guardians who have sworn to make all children of the world happy? Every child, that is except for you,' his voice sank to a whisper. A whisper that chilled Jack Frost to the very core and caused him to turn around and face the Boogeyman.
Pitch Black X Jack Frost Fanfiction
'And what do you want from me?' Jack asked. 'I don't really want to destroy all the kids in the world.'
'How about the Guardians?' Pitch suggested with a sly smile. 'You don't even have to say yes right now. Just promise me that you'll think about it.'
Jack hesitated then reluctantly nodded. 'I'll think about it but I refuse to make any promises.'
'It's a deal!' Pitch crowed as he outstretched his hand. 'But don't mention this to the Guardians. They might not like it.'

'All the more reason to do it,' Jack sighed but agreed to the Boogeyman's terms as he shook hands with the other man.
Tendrils of black sand snaked up Jack's arm, traveling all the way to his head, leaving the winter spirit slightly disorientated as Pitch Black disappeared. Mere seconds later the Guardians showed up, the Bunny looking ready to murder Jack, with North not looking very inclined to help.
'You ruined Easter!' the Easter Bunny yelled, pulling out a boomerang as he advanced on the young boy.
To their surprise Jack didn't say anything; his blue eyes fixated on something they couldn't see.
'Well, don't you have anything to say for yourself?' the Bunny demanded.

Jack slowly shook his head. 'Why bother?' his voice sounded awfully bitter and so unlike Jack Frost that they all felt chills go up and down their spines. 'It's not like you guys care about anything I have to say in the slightest.'
Warning bells were going off in Sandman's head and he tried to catch North's attention but was ignored.
'We do care,' North said.
'You've got a funny way of showing it,' was all Jack would say before rising into the air. 'Now if you'll excuse me I've got an appointment to keep in Canada.'
Startled, they all watched as the boy disappeared into the distance, snow shrouding him from their gazes. But Sandman watched with even more concern as he saw just a little bit of black sand disappear from the spot where Jack had been standing.
A/N: Let me know if this is any good and I will try to have the rest uploaded soon. But I do require 3 reviews per chapter.
Jack Frost X Pitch Lemon
Hey. First I'd like to thank those people who bother to read my fan fictions. I try so hard to make them good but most of the time its when you guys tell me you like them that makes me feel like they're good.
Anyway Pairing is PitchxJack and there will be a lemon later. XP
Pitch Black Tortures Jack Frost Fanfiction
Jacks eyes snapped open in the darkness, a small gasp escaping his lips. He rolled over and shook the form next to him awake.
'Pitch, you're sleep sanding again.' Yellow eyes appeared in the darkness. Pitch sat up and ran his fingers gently down Jacks cheek.
'I'm sorry, Jack. I hope it wasn't too bad.'
'You are getting better at keeping it controlled. The nightmares aren't anywhere near as bad as they used to be.' Jack said as he sat up, capturing Pitch in a quick kiss. 'I'm fine. Now, I told you yesterday I have to be over at Bunny's Warren today. I have to leave. I promise ill be back by tonight though.' Pitch pouted. 'Now don't give me that face. Or maybe I will find myself caught up and it will take a while for me to get back.' Pitch sighed and relented, giving Jack a kiss goodbye.
Jack was smiling the whole way to Bunny's warren. Of course he made sure to hide it as soon as he got there. Jack could only think of what the Guardians would think if they knew about him and Pitch so it was best to not raise suspicion. Jack landed in front of the entrance and walked in to find Bunnymund speeding around the room like a madman.
'Hey. What's going on Kangaroo?' Without even stopping Bunnymund managed to explain everything. Apparently he was running late on getting things ready for Easter (which was only two days away) so he needed Jack to chill what eggs were already made so they could last longer because the den was quite warm and would cause them to spoil. Then he needed help painting the rest of them. Jack rolled his eyes mumbling something about deadlines under his breath and got to work.
Jack Frost And Pitch Black Fanfiction
Pitch found himself staring at the moon wondering why Jack was gone so long. He summoned on of the nightmares he had left and decided to head over to Bunny's. He kept to the shadows so he wouldn't be spotted. Bunny had just finished guiding the last of the days eggs to where they needed to be chilled and was looking for Frost. He found him curled up in a ball asleep.
'Hey Frostbite.' He said shaking him slightly trying to wake him up.
'What is it Pitch?' he mumbled. His eyes widened when he saw it was Bunnymund staring back at him.
'Sorry. Weird dream.' He lied. 'What is it?' Pitch couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he watched from the shadows.
'Did you hear that?' Bunny asked his ears perking up. 'I-it almost sounded like... Naw couldn't have been...'
'I didn't hear anything. You're just tired Bunny. Go get some sleep. I should be heading home too.' Frost grabbed his staff and headed down the tunnel. He could feel Pitch following him. As soon as they were far enough away from the warren Jack turned to face him.
'Spying on me are you?' Jack said sticking his staff in the ground and hopping on top of it.
'Well someone said they'd be back by tonight. When that someone was hours late I got worried.' Pitch said as he snatched Jacks staff from underneath him. Jack floated to the ground and tried to get it back. Pitch held it above his head smiling as Jack pouted.
'I'm sorry. I really didn't think it'd take me this long. Now give me back my staff.' Jack flew over Pitch trying to grab it as he did but Pitch was quick to lower it.
'Remind you of anything Jack?' Pitch said as the game of keep away kept going.
'Yes, actually.' He said landing in front of Pitch who held the staff up again. 'Come on. Please give it back?' Jack asked. Pitch wrapped his free arm around Jack's waist and lifted him on to his nightmare. Handing Jack his staff Pitch climbed on and as they headed towards home Pitch looked back.
'That is one night ill never forget Jack Frost.'